Our Mindful Eye

I am really not found of these kind of shots, but it was what I have been mindful of.  light. the light that will be disappearing by seconds each day. light. lack of light. 

Years ago it was pounded into my head that June 21st is the longest day of the year.  That might sound like something to celebrate, but to me it is rather depressing.  Since it is the longest day of the year, that means it is all down hill after that, and summer is just getting started.  Boo.  I wish that I could forget that fact, ignorance really is bliss in this situation. Where I live, in the winter, it is dark by about 4:00 pm, and on June 21st the darkness will be moving in that direction.  

I could view it as the cup half full, but I just can't. I just hate knowing this piece of information.  I have been thinking about the light, and the fact that this day is coming up.  I have been lamenting. On this day, I walked out onto my deck, and saw the sun beginning to disappear and realized what my photo for the week would be. Those are the beautiful Black Hills in the background!

We went out of town over the weekend, so Tracie said we could post our photo on Wednesday this week.  I am just getting it in under the wire.   I wonder what was on her mind this past week?

‘When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.’
 -Wilma Rudolph


  1. And Tracie forgot (lol) I’ll post tonight!! You crack me up! I’m so excited today is first day of summer and I’m going to pay attention to our light today and see just how long it lasts. Lots of love to you miss lover of light, me too! Gorgeous sunset!!!!


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