Our Mindful Eye

The weather here has turned very fall like (insert tears).  It is only temporary, but it tears open the doors for people to start their fall celebration.  Don't misunderstand me, I ❤ fall, but not until it is fall.  Until September 22, it's summer, and I am going to suck every last drop out of it! 

I recently moved some of my plants on my deck so that I could put my rocking chair out there.  This lemon grass made it's way up on to my table, and I just love watching the wisps of grass whip around in the wind. For me it is the equivalent of staring at a fish tank which I guess is a stress reliever.  So this past week, I was mindful of these wisps of grass multiple times, just for the enjoyment of it. 

Tracie got her post up way before mine, she is just good like that! Check out what she has to say this week. 

On another note, I let my license expire AGAIN.....what the french, toast?  Now I have to go tomorrow as it is the last day before I have to take the stinkin' test.  Last time I got my license I waited so long, I did have to take the test along side my son who was applying for his first license.  Good times........... 


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